miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2006



so slowly that runs here everything, makes happy me particularly makes happy me that the law student was here. Finally the idea inspired to my Blog by their side *grins*

Where I am already times with on the left of posts (unfortunately I cannot set a list here beautifully right to the side also left ), then Mach I nevertheless times still further.

But I do not only drive yourself there rum. Regular customer am I also in the Community www.schwarzes-leipzig.net. The name everything, but no fear, I does not say cricket small children! I am dear

Otherwise stop I me with mirror-on-line www.spiegel.de and T-Online www.t-online.de up to date.

Joar… as many for Schleichwerbung.

I was heut already somewhat productive. After the Genialität rode me last night, I today the first act complex in my housework solved and typed. Are missing still… MANY

But today gibt's instead of books nen lecker Cocktail. I let yourself from two nice young gentlemen implement

You still another beautiful evening, I become him have *grins*

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