sábado, 7 de abril de 2007

Hold out


now it can take only at the most two days, until I have my power pack! I email of the salesman last night got that it was loose-sent yesterday. Not there times look, like for a long time the post office of resounds to Leipzig needs… today was it. I am confident that the post office man rings tomorrow.

In the final result then from the order to the receipt 11 days passed, and that only, because something make with 7 the days Vorkasse. That is, 7 days, after the money arrived with those, send those loosely the commodity. 1. For what? 2. Unnecessary waste of time, if the money is is, it there! Thus I, although I had released the transfer right after the purchase, had to wait so long. That is not beautiful! And does not blow the power pack goes! Then get I a genuine problem. Naja… in any case is evaluated now only times with Ebay and that not well!
At least I can take then the laptop with home (drive on Sunday to mummy ) and you also on weekend beglücken

The housework is so well finished, must be only tapped. It thinks thus that I am finished in one week. And then the university goes again loosely. And I cannot make a Hebrew course. Thus I could already, stupid-prove am that exactly at the time in which I for law of criminal procedure lecture must, and which is obligation für's study and thus more importantly. Particularly since I make the straight large criminal law light. Naja… perhaps next term. The lecturer answered fixed so nicely and and certainly also been pleased that there are also still different students except its theologians, who are interested in it. But perhaps it is also completely well like that, I is not to take over itself, otherwise go I again to no meeting and Mach nix and have nix skillfully. I hope, this term become better than the latter.

Now… Soon geht's off for the last time Physiotherapie. And then still a little fine work on the housework is carried out. And there I really only for the power pack to actually wait now can fill up, could I actually times the gaps in the industrial law. Finally the emphasis study I begins is somehow motivated straight. I should use that! But now have I only times hunger

Thus… already very soon will it again regular of me read

“I had Precious” of Depech mode already as if music-tap, stimmt's? Must however today again, because that comes tomorrow as single into the shops and then the album appears sometime and that becomes the first CD for a long time, which I buy

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