jueves, 3 de mayo de 2007

Heavy decision; -)

(sorry, I am today somehow in the write fever)

TC… I cannot decide, which magazine I would subscribe gladly times. I straight my small collection through-looked and tightened that I still louder small cream and making up and perfume samples drinne stick has. There it noticed to me that I have nevertheless twice as many Joys such as Jolies. But the Jolie Abo is many more attractive! There gibt's a three monthly Abo, with which from the price the third booklet is free. And with the yearly Abo gibt's ne thick premium in addition. While it gives with the Joy only a Jahresabo and no premium. But I have more Joys in the cabinet… should me to think give? Where nevertheless everywhere does the same drinne stand? I do not know it. Particularly since I also know that I want the next Joy in any case. TC… I have genuinly bekloppte problems I believe yourself is boringly. I should look for each other a small manual work hobby, attach or in such a way…

Naja… tomorrow is again stress

Woman magazines

I am a young woman of 22 years… I am the target group of various magazines named Joy, Jolie and like that. These magazines times so evenly easily between the books to put and in the streetcar read leave themselves. These magazines, which which and who is told to me straight in, as I best to which hair-style and where I make up harsh-come the unreasonably expensive make-up to it (or eyelid shade must cost 40 euro?)
Actually find intolerable and the make-ups too much and expensive I the fashion therein blöd and. And I do not come nevertheless each month auf's new this 1.50 or also times 1.60 to spend and me into a corpse world to read and look. Often do I consider whether I should not subscribe the magazine… however which? The Joy or the Jolie? In my cabinet it is located between both fifty fifty. Actually it is no matter, it stands eh in all the same in it.

I have the straight current Joy beside me. I have myself smartly made over the large pallet at memo moose against impure skin. Tomorrow go I loose and look which I of it add themselves, at present isses genuinly fies. Then I the fashion looked at yourself and stated that I must not have the 112 Must Have accessories really. I become alike with the help of this newspaper rausfinden, as my dear life must be real. Because I that yet do not know

Actually such magazines (up to some nevertheless useful making up collecting mains) are redundant. Sometimes but I succumb simply to gladly mine target group its

UPDATE: Now have I the Joy through. My dear life must be like that like it is. My Horoskop stands badly the next days. And I must absolutely have the next Joy! There mad winter make-ups are drinne *freu*

Beautiful day

When I woke up this morning, I imagined: today you go into the zoo! It is holiday, madly beautiful weather and I lives in Leipzig and approx. 10 minutes of the nevertheless quite well-known Leipziger zoo. Thus I my Schatzi packed and naja… we were not not the only one, which came on this idea. Finally we have it us tricks us between thousands of humans to crimpings. Instead we made a beautiful walk in the adjacent small Wäldchen and to us the zoo from the rear regarded. A few giraffes and Zebras could one also from there erspähen, therefore we did not go out completely empty

Now it can become coldly and wet and eklig from me. I had my golden autumn, schlurfen by leaves and to be sprinkled from falling sheets…

Times look which I today still make. Bissl a university stuff, tomorrow geht's again early around six loosely. Hach… this week has only three days for me, Friday falls my only lecture out *grins* can it thus be borne.

Desires still another beautiful evening! (It it is half five and nevertheless dawns it outside, therefore the evening greeting, me is already like evening… blöde time conversion. But look times, ob's tomorrow morning is a little brighter as otherwise.)

CD *freu*

I have myself yesterday CD bought… “Playing the fishing rod”, the new album of Depeche mode. When I actually my last correct CD got yourself? That is laaaaaang ago. And it is not because of it that I suck myself each album illegaly über's Inet, Mach I not. It is because of impudent prices for everything which in disk form is… CDs, DVDs, Vinyl… which in former times 15 DM cost, receives you today for 15 euro. That impudent find I by the music industry. Those do not have to be surprised that none buys more CDs, can it to only carry out be able itself

Up to now klingt's completely well. Naja, the album here already with the release party in Leipzig heard. The party was grottig and expensive. The album I like however… believe I… must it few times to have still heard, then white I which Songs I dearest likes, or whether it is perhaps even one of the rare albums, which please me from the rear to in front. Stupid it is only that I can hear the CD oversize laptop only with a Program, which is on that CD drauf. Stupid copy protection. Now I can merge nich into my Playlists

A while ago I the baths and the kitchen finely wiped. I finery gladly, which is like sport and a reconciliation

Thus… times look which I today make still in such a way on this beautiful day.

I hope, it over all of clocks for changing thought.

I look the straight large Pro7 dance tournament…

I look the straight large Pro7 dance tournament… hach… I find a dancing soooo beautifully I würd also gladly so beautiful and professionel to dance can. I envy tournament dancers.
I with my treasure a small dance course made. There we noticed that we both dance terribly gladly and also by nature well together. That fits somehow and makes for so naturally still many more fun. We wanted to look for each other nen dance association and participate on spreading haven level perhaps also in tournaments. But either the training times are blöd or that are priceless however I believe next term make we a course then nevertheless with the university sport, cost also somewhat more, because Schatzi is not a student, but are nevertheless still the most favorable variant.

Thus in any case is our large dream, our large longing and the absolute Fitnessprogramm with fun and Zusammensein factor

Now continue to look I

About dancing have I also music Tipps:

One can dance to the slow Walzer beautifully to “I Wonder Why” from Curtis Stigers, dance the Cha Cha Cha we to “Pata Pata” from Miriam Makeba learned and ours to “chains” from Tina arena we the dance of the love, the Rumba.

UPDATE: Oli P. and its Partnerin naturally won. Was clear, the chap was times German master in the tournament dance. A little unfair was that already opposite the unbefleckten Promis, because was clear before the first dance actually already, who wins. With the last dance, the Tango, me however the show of Lucy and partners has many more fallen… came there the Tango Feeling correctly more rüber. Love and hate *hrrrr* beautiful show.


I know to begin straight nix with me, thus mopse I from the Blog of the Jurstudentin simply times a Meeeeega long questionnaire

NICKNAMES: in the Inet “polliiie” (and only polliiie!) and otherwise. TC… Schnuffel
BIRTHDAY: 4. August
ZODIAC: Lion *rroaarrrr*
HEIGHT: 1.70m
EYE COLOUR: Blue, grey, green, yellow
HAIR COLOR: Strassenköterblond, every year again with blond Strähnchen
HANDED: Right in all situations in life.
FROM: Dessau
PETS: Unfortunately keins, I would have sooooo gladly 2 guinea pigs!
FAMILY: Yes, also… totally complicates and nich completely normally, but somewhere it must come ago
PERSONALITY: typically lion: verschmust purposefully, ambitiously, prevail-addicted and totally
HOBBIES: kuscheln, sleep, for me the backs vorm computers watch television make broken, music hear and sometimes even read
LIKES: kuscheln with my Schatzi, my Schatzi , lecker meal
DISLIKES: Stress, uncertainty, controversy
FAVORITE ACCENTS: does that mean accents now? then actually only Britsih English… fetzt
FAVE ACTORS: John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, Robin Williams, Moritz remain-faithfully
FAVORITE ACTRESSES: Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Calista Flockheart, Alexandra Maria Lara
FAVORITE MUSIC: hehe… that have I to are here already sufficient brought up for discussion… thus: nearly everything!
FAVORITE BOOKS: of John the Grisham and my text books (without shit, those are interssant!)
FAVORITE CANDY: TC… *bauchreib*… at present fruit drops. and Schoki and Schoki ice
FAVORITE CARTOON CHARACTER: I look nich so the Cartoons, perhaps Lisa Simpson?
FAVORITE COLORS: Black, blue, pink ones, lila ones
FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK: Saturday, fully in the weekend
FAVORITE DRINK: TC… *grübel* Cola!
FAVORITE FLOWER: Roses in all possible forms and colors!
FAVORITE GIRLS NAMES: Lena, Alexandra, Maria
FAVORITE HOLIDAYS: everything which I wars can do
FAVORITE MONTH: Septembers, Octobers, January, naja and August because I there birthday have
FAVORITE MOVIES: A fish named Wanda, in good as in heavy days, Dirty Dancing, Strictly Ballroom, Face off
FAVORITE PERSON: to decide is with difficulty: Schatzi and mummy
FAVORITE POS SESSIONS: My laptop, my sofa and my text books
FAVORITE QUOTES: “It is unfortunate that you go… however as!” John Travolta as Castor Troy and/or Shawn Archer in “Face off”
FAVORITE SHOES: My tiger slippers
FAVORITE SONGS: that would blow up the framework here… music Tipps to read simply industriously
FAVORITE SPORT: Volleyball, basketball and now also Aerobic
FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Aaaalso: the message, morning magazine (both of pool of broadcasting corporations and Second Channel of German Television), the Cosby show, Emergency Room, Ally McBeal, Sex and The town center, Friends, for all cases Amy, The Guardian and and and…

1. Derealisation
2. Fireworks and thunderstorm
3. Isolation

1. European right (it did not want to understand up to now in addition,)
2. Why some humans like that blöd are.
3. sometimes me.

1. Hebrew
2. much more computer things
3. as one is successful

1. Laptop
2. Water glass
3. TV-remote maintenance

1. A child into the world set.
2. To Isreal drive
3. a doctor work writes

1. I meet humans as it me meet.
2. I adapt.
3. I can be completely dear and genuinly fies.

1. Egozentrik
2. Impatience
. and I it loves 3 me to pity

1. Schlesien
2. Saxonia
3. Dessau!

1. The eyes
2. My belly
3. My hair

1. My thighs
2. My spinal column
3. My knees… those are ugly

Well tell I probably now here!

1. Schnuppi
2. So
3. What machst'n straight?

1. South Africa
2. Israel
3. Australia, the British islands and India


Finally weekend!

And pleasing way came in the examination to, which I had learned. Thus I three hours long over theft and robbery wrote, then my thumb pain did.

Jo… today Mach I no more finger krum, I must rest itself

You also a beautiful start in the weekend!

Fixed and all

I cannot do now genuinly no more… after I with the all-behind-last robbery-similar facts was finished, have I discovered that I could not take for perfect preparation still the extortion… am to only 10 sides… however I pack's no more! Sitting and reading go genuinly to the substance… particularly I since 6 o'clock constantly awake are. I believe, I should go into bed. Tomorrow I can out-sleep. And then look yourself I again my finely prepared overviews on…

Thus… good night for today

I dream certainly about theft and robbery


Boar I is as drawn up! I learn the straight particularly heavy robbery (§ 250 StGB for the Insider ) with his many possibilities and somehow must I after each second factual characteristic jump up and something different one make… for example senselessly on www.spiegel.de to rumlesen or write in here or on http://www.schwarzes-leipzig.net my pieces of favourite from the 80ern kund to do. Thus become nevertheless however never finished I. But so much is not it any more… only 251 and 252… naja however a little RKs and fundamental for the setting up should I again clean-pull itself. Och menno… I wants to write times ne correctly good examination is somehow intensively to learn, perhaps hilft's…

Further geht's

Edit: (one hour later) I do not know slow no more, but there is actually only 15 sides, but I cannot concentrate any longer correctly and my back on to hurt perhaps catch should I times a somewhat longer evening bread break make. And to still have I still tomorrow morning *gequält lächel*, the hairdresser date shifted.

I the Medienstöckchen thrown got

I the Medienstöckchen thrown got, because she likes my Blog so
That means now for me: Questionnaires answer and clean-place here! Jaaaaaaaaaa… I loves sowas! And I become that the cause take around the whole other questionnaires, which I discovered in such a way with it, also directly to klauen *grins* mad! And I may do that, because I make now straight break and am finished with the theft

Thus… loosely geht's:

Which music instrument would you gladly be?
Perhaps TC… does not know… a guitar? But those has so a thick belly! Ah I know: I wär gladly a Synthi… then became my treasure all day long at me rumspielen

Your Lieblingscomic?
Do not know at all so many, but I würd say the “Peanuts” and from more recent time “Futurama”.

Your definite, absolute and kongeniale favourite volume?
Boar that is now however genuinly heavy, where I cannot so at all decide nevertheless straight with music. I say simply times Metallica.

Your first own record?
I do not know no more, but either “the cloud stone” or the Pittiplatsch plate… or stop various fairy tale plates. Is everything already so long ago.

Your favourite magazine?
The JuS… hehe… and between Joy and Jolie I always cannot decide.

Your dearest fictitious character?
Author T from my criminal law text book and Anton well-behaved the exemplary employee from the lectures of Professor Dr. Boemke and naturally the two guinea pigs which I so gladly to knuddeln would have

Your Lieblingsblog?
TC… I do not know at all so many however in any case must the Blog of the Jurstudentin be called here (www.rechtsreferendarin.de), because that was my entrance drug as it were. The Blog of betty1517 (see right) reads itself also always very beautifully

Your favourite music video?
Oh hectar… does not occur to me for the moment. But I know that there are videos, which I cause, because they are so mad. But for the moment have I no example. But I trag's after, as soon as it occurs to me.

Your momentary favourite word?

23 or 42?
23! Become I next year and it is the number of the Illuminaten before Dan Brown it with its blöden “Illuminati” - book for mode feature made

I hand by the way the Medienstöckchen at betty1517 and Mangomilch… times continue to look whether sie's catch

I cannot decide: (

As so often I cannot decide straight in a thing. In such cases I weigh pros and cons of the individual options and decide then…

It concerns the topic for my seminar work. Today was preliminary discussion. When I registered myself in September for the seminar, I for the topic “achievements to illness after the European social right” announced, I imagined, that would be interesting and cannot not be so heavily. Last week was I then times in the Bibo and the literature recommendations durchgestöbert. Is nevertheless somehow everything complicated, I have so no notion of European right, weil's me not largely scratches. I Mach the seminar rather because of the social right.
Today then the preliminary discussion and I were by the topic list simply times in such a way let us look. And me the topic “prohibition of indirect sex discrimination jumped at one time in europ. Social right” in the eye and it did not release me. The bibliography was shorter and I believes I finds the topic nevertheless more interesting. I was then in the Bibo and a book exact in addition found. There I clean-read and all this seemed to me somehow more greibarer.

Which Mach I now? To the first topic I heaps of sides already nen copied nix read, all lubrication sheets will become probably however still (law student feel you addressed ). TC… I become change. Particularly since is so problem-free, because we are 3 people in the seminar.

… Helps to weigh written me thus times again. It helped, I is already so often written always letter and come to a solution of my problems. I am glad that I discovered for me.

But before I can start with the social right, I must learn only times beautifully industriously for criminal law. There still ne quantity is to be done. And all this best today. The half day is already again rum I sag's: My days bräuchten at least 30 hours.

Until later, in a learning break become I probably still a little which write

Theft nervt: (

To Bäh I kann's no more do not see… this text book with the whole Vermögensdelikten drinne and the whole gel however over theft and particularly schwerden thief-stolen and and and… and tomorrow then still the robbery… neee… plöde examination. At least I a reason to logic to go thereby like had not determined I logic rather than criminal law…. Naja… it is useful nix. For today reicht's. I ess which small and Mach me then loosely to the box Aerobic. Abreact by sport… jawollja.

Otherwise loosely today… as I was not in the university arrived was always still dark it much. Perhaps that is frustrating! Tomorrow I can push fortunately nen beautiful calm. Naja… or also not… there is still the robbery… *narf*

I hear straight “Whatever” of iris… is beautifully

I long myself now already after the weekend… there can I in peace deseam and with Schnuppi in bed rumliegen and and and

New Style

Before I which in my styling change (on Friday *freu*), change I only times which in the styling of the Blogs. Because somehow everyone has, really everyone the “Light Blue” - Style. There I would like to take off nevertheless times I hope myself, it please little.

Which everything happens in such a way…

An eventful day… and it is not yet times over. But I refund already times interim report thus…

1. I this morning a hairdresser date made yourself. Friday early is put hand, of the hairdresser in www.schwarzes-leipzig.net I am times strained there. Freshly combed I can write then Friday afternoon the criminal law examination…

2. … for which I today finally began to learn. Unfortunately at expense of my tax law lecture… however naja, have a good book

3. Then I was with English… nevertheless, please me the course as he am now. And I learn over international and European right, of which I pressed myself so finely the last terms. But I find somehow international right makes more fun, if one learns it on English, no notion why further has me the type, which asked me last week for my telephone number, today asked whether I am those, which in Australia was (because he was also there)… unfortunately was I never in Australia whether that me finds mad?

4. Afterwards started a industrial law Turorium, conversions its that I always learn Tuesday in the morning. The lecturer is somehow sweetly… Graduate student and shyly. And it was so excited that it tilted us after a half hour nearly. Glaringly… however I know that, if which for me it is too exciting and I relax then, relaxes my body so that it together-sags. From experience have I from the rear instructions told “windows to open”, “drinking”, “putting”. Naja… it has itself then again and did not fall down. Fortunately. He hopes now that we are despite this incident next time again thereby. Some over industrial law I also learned

5. Then I came home and the PC employed, which otherwise. And on www.mindermeinung.de I experienced a small surprise. It concerned the library guidance, which our Bibo boss for the Erstis makes. I meant, I at that time correctly did not watch out and process me today still from time to time in the Bibo (and that is only the lawyer Bibo!)… it offered to me there to make a single guidance with me *grins* is in addition, a nice, engaged Bibo leader. Perhaps nehm ich's even truely this offer. Although, naja, which I custom have I meanwhile discovered that, the remainder is not exciting soooo.

Jo… war's only times for today. I must go shopping afterwards with Schatzi, it is nix more there. And then I must dedicate the evening to the criminal law. And then is already again tomorrow morning around 6 and I must into the university where I nevertheless at present sooooooo is tired.

Beautiful day still

Sunday evening

It is times again Sunday evening and the weekend so well ran. If a beautiful weekend was, was at home with mummy and me spoil let. And I have with it viiiiiiel over my hair talk it become probably like on my picture in last contribution: Stages from the mouth to the shoulders and blond Strähnchen like always. Is simply which me best stands and pleases. Pony is beautiful and good, but rather ne mode feature and tick from me. I can aufpeppen my hair-style, without going directly into the other “extreme”. Jop, this decision is thus pleases. Became also time, if one dreams already for nights about it! Tomorrow Mach I nen themselves hairdresser date

Naturally I did not learn on weekend for the criminal law examination on Friday, what I would actually have had to do! But with the prospect Zeuch over theft and robbery and other Vermögensdelikte to learn to have one is little motivates Naja… Wednesday have I for example nearly completely freely. There power Learning is made
I made still English homework even. Finally I learn which over internationally Law… The German lecture in addition assured to me somehow not yet so, is it because of the lecturer or the time learns ich's stop on English… has also which

So… which Mach I with the started evening? I can already again sleep, I can lately times again only sleeping. Fortunately I know, with which is connected, but that is not intended for the public.

Thus then… beautiful evening still!


Ahhhh Geil! I the absolute side in the net found: http://www.friseur.com I some hair-styles found me immediately there very much pleased and which I would carry gladly on my head.

Here my absolute Favourite:

Music Tipps!

Since I for a long time none music-tap more from me gave, it should be today alike several, together with some thoughts about music

I straight mine MP3-Player with R.E.M. equipped. Good Songs of these ingenious volume is for example “orange Crush” or “bath Day” and naturally classical author like “Loosing my religion” (the woman in the video looks like my mummy as it was young, therefore I like the video so!), “Everybody Hurts” or “one on the Moon”. Oh gibt's so many mad songs of R.E.M., if I wanted to enumerate all, I was certainly forgotten there which. Not forgotten one may do however “imitation OF Life” and “The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight”, then my personal opinion of the current album “Around the Sun” probably pleases me at the best “The of outsider” and “Around The Sun” and “Leaving New York”. The album I gave my Mum last year to the birthday, and drinne put two maps for the R.E.M. - Concert in Leipzig, in the middle of February this yearly. It was like that geil! And I had to give that simply my mA, because without her I would be at R.E.M. never rank-come. At all I owe it much that I like the music, which I like… at least partially.

… Which I rediscovered also straight again very much for me am music by “Silke Bischoff” and/or to have her itself in “18 of buzzer” renamed. I have here a few albums from at that time as it still Silke Bischoff called themselves. There my Lieblingssongs “Felix is into the Sky”, “like a feather/spring”, “down in the park” and “Into the Sea”. Of the newer albums of 18 of buzzer I unfortunately still nix heard.

If I had the money, I would buy sooooooooo many mad CDs! I like completely particularly Best OF albums. One could see as superficialness, I sees it real as concentration on that to property. And if an Best OF album pleases me from the rear to in front totally well, then purchase I me probably still different albums of the artist.
When probably does Björk times an Best OF album rausbringt? Wär times interesting! Actually I like its music very much, but I found the last album “Medulla” simply only nervig blöd and. I “Debut” and “Homogenic” sowas of high and down heard. So changeably artists can be.

Like that that was my small paper over music. Opinions in addition I read myself very gladly

Pony or not Pony…

… that is here the question!

Perhaps have you an answer? Right is a nearly current picture (from March, today the hair is longer and looks more so wild nich). I must soon to the hairdresser and consider whether ich's times with nem Pony try. What are your opinions in addition? Me burning would interest!

Why is healthy so eklig?

Why is healthy so eklig? Am I to be lived condemned to it either unhealthily or only to be eaten ekliges things?

I in the focus read that Müsli and whole-meal bread are the “Brainfood” absolutely. Thus have I me Musli bought, can nich nevertheless be so eklig. The Schoko Müsli, which I had times, was lecker *g* that was however no Schokomüsli, but Multifrucht Müsli. And there many raisins drinne are *iiiiih* and more Nüsse, than I stand, I notice completely wie's already tingle/swarm. Naja in any case isses fully eklig things. But nourish I möch me nevertheless gladly healthy. And whether whole-meal bread is for breakfast the true, so that one is concentrated up to noon… Naja although… Thus according to focus is the optimal breakfast for a ernergiereichen day whole-meal bread with bilberries drauf and Müsli in addition. Ähm… My white bread cuts are not there so the Bringer. TC…

Over it I had to omit myself now times

Until later.


I believe, Tuesday am arduous. That is blöd. Before I make myself loose equal for logic lecture (today however really, the headache I already away-slept and with coffee away-drunk, Koffein really helps against headache!) write in I again briefly here. I had thus today again early raus. So that is not at all bad. Naja, from which one does not get first lecture yet really much also, but which was told to me in second, I still completely well then am white I on the search for new hair rubbers with H&M landed. The hair rubbers naturally I did not find (before a few years I there so mad cheap bought!), but nearly I would have had new trousers. Stupid way do not have I somehow the forms, which one needs for H&M trousers. Why does the federation have to always sit sooooo far down? That sees with me and my slim waist so bekloppt out. At all me no trousers, at the thigh, fit much too closely still one of me fits I becomes pure with soon which break in let must at the belly. One I wants nevertheless only black trousers, but no simple material trousers, but Cord or so Jeans material. But gibt's the no more. That is nevertheless all muck!